Monday, January 26, 2015


I admit, I admit - I went a little bit overboard and crazy.
My only two excuses were I had my 12th + 13th month pay in and I had quite a few discount codes. So I purchased these 10 items on 3 different occasions. 

Chinese New Year ho seh liao, no need to worry about clothes. 

I just had my yearly employee review and it will be a great 2015. So, I just upped the amount of my monthly savings (whereby a certain set amount of money will be transferred automatically on a set date every month to a savings account) in order to curb these shopaholic sins. Hey, no shame if you spend within your means, it's all okay if you are financially able. But for me, it's time to save more (my goal this year is over S$20K in savings) for my HDB flat. Kengyang and I want to clear the payments as soon as we can. 

Ok photos for you! 

I bought one ASOS Maternity item this time. The sweater too chio already. Can keep for very long some more, next time I pregnant, I have one chio sweater in my closet liao! :D

I feel both excited and nervous whenever I write a haul post. Buyer's remorse setting in (not sure if this feeling can be classified as buyer's remorse or not since I didn't really spend damn a lot of money on a big ticket item).

Have a good week guys! Work hard for those moolahs!! 

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