Saturday, November 30, 2013

ShopperBoard - Online Shopping Made Easy

Online shopaholics unite!!

Let's not go into details about how amazing and convenient online shopping is, instead let's discuss how tiring the process of online shopping can be when you're a serial online shopper. 
  • "Oh, I like this. Oh, I like this too!!! So many chio ones!!" - you just keep right-clicking everything that you love from a website and opening them in new tabs. After that, what do you do? 
  • "Ok need to save this link. Bookmark, bookmark!" - Bookmarking, compiling all the nice things that you love. Then you come back and stare at your bookmarks 2 weeks later, hmmm what are these? PROBLEM: You save/bookmark links, but you don't know how the products look like. If you are a serial online shopper, this is a huge problem because you tend to save A LOT of links. 
  • "Maybe I should save the photos and links, and compile them in a word document!" - Brilliant idea, but terrible when executing. PROBLEM: Yes, it's a great idea to compile both photos and links together in one place, but wah, how long are you going to take to compile them? Online shoppers like convenience and promptness, compiling everything probably will waste half of your precious weekend. 
  • "Okay, I'll just leave the tabs and go back to them when I want to buy the items." - Once again great idea, but it ends there. PROBLEM: Having 30 over tabs, and then looking at them one by one to decide which to get (bye bye time). Not to mention how slow your browsing becomes, and how slow the entire system in general becomes. 
I have tried everything okay. EVERYTHING. Most of the time, there are 2 common aftermath - I get irritated and I stop OR I forget to buy everything that I find pretty. 

Then... I came across this life-saving online service. LIFE-SAVING. 

ShopperBoard is a brilliant, brilliant locally initiated service for online shopping users. It's simple to use and it answers the problems that  most online shopping enthusiasts face - organising the online products that you fancy in one single location and the ability to choose your saved products at one glance and purchase them when you are ready to. GENIUS.

It's so easy to online shop now! 

Looking at my ShopperBoard profile below, it's quite obvious how addictive ShopperBoard can be. When you click on someone's profile, you will instantly be brought to their profile page with all their saved products displayed. 

It's not so simple, you know. It's like showing the world your sense of style. I find it extremely satisfying to find online products that I fancy and follow my sense of style. Quite therapeutic because at the end of the day, when I click on my own profile, everything looks consistent. Maybe I have mild OCD. Yikes. 

(Follow me or browse what I've saved at X)
Another thing that I really love about ShopperBoard is how organised I can be. Instead of just dumping everything into my profile page, I can organise them under different categories ("boards") and make my life much easier. For example, I need dresses for an upcoming Christmas party, so I'll need to search for one under my saved products, but what if I have saved 200 products?! If I have saved all the dresses under my "Dresses" board, I can just click on that board and I will see all of my saved dresses when I need to buy one!

Of course, you can follow your friends or any users that you think have the same fashion preferences as you. ShopperBoard allows you to save and share products - it's like social media platform for online shopping devotees.

The next alternative will be to follow the stores that you like. I especially like this function because I'm the type of online shopper who tends to stick to certain online shops. I'm open to new brands, but most of the time, I browse the same websites.

Some new users will be wondering, "eh? why all the products not as updated as the website itself?" That's because these stores are updated by ShopperBoard users themselves and not the actual stores! This means that if I added a new product from and no one has ever added a product before, a new store for will be automatically created and future products from the same website will be collated there.

It's quite clever actually. Sometimes while browsing, I see new products that have not been shared on ShopperBoard and I have this urge to share them with other users! Once you save a product, it will be visible to ALL users!

Currently, ShopperBoard is working on a function to privatise one's account, so if you are iffy about sharing everything with everyone, there's an ongoing development now to answer your worry!

Let's now start on the exciting part - how to save your products!

There are three ways:

  1. Click the "+Add" button at the top right hand corner and copy paste the link, or
  2. Add the "+Add to Board" button to your bookmarks/favourites bar, and just click it when you are viewing a website of the product that you like.
  3. Simply save from other users!

Just follow these steps to get started. Super simple. I have the BoardButton added to my laptop, work laptop and work desktop computer. HAHA. 

For more information on the BoardButton (different internet service providers, mobile usage, etc), please click on these links: BoardButton Info and BoardButton FAQ

(Source: X)

I realised this is going to be quite a long post. But hey, anything for my fellow online shopping addicts! So grab a tea/coffee/drink of choice and carry on! :D

A step-by-step on how to save your aiyoh-so-chio-i-wanna-buy-next-time items.

1. Find your products. (So pretty right this ASOS skirt???)

2. Click on your "+Add to Board" button. You should instantly be prompted to choose the image that you want to use.

3. Choose your preferred image, and you will be prompted with the below window. Save the product into one of your existing boards or create a new one instantly! Write your comment (you can ignore this part too if you don't want to comment!) and click "Save to ShopperBoard"

4. You'll be prompted with another window, this time for the details of the product, like its price, etc. If you don't want to add any details, you can just click "Update Details" and it will still be saved.

5. Voilà!! It's now saved in your ShopperBoard account!

Then you realise, hmm, I need to change the Board Title because hey! There are so many types of skirts! 

Easy peasy. Just click on that particular board, and edit it straightaway. The pencil tool means that you can edit the text! 

For more information on how to edit Board Title, click this link: Board Title FAQ

It's easy to edit the board description too! And if you want to delete a certain board, super easy peasy - "Delete" button! 

Another feature that I like about ShopperBoard is how I can follow someone's board. So instead of following the user only, I can follow one of her boards if I find it interesting! 

Lastly, you can save a product simply by saving what other users have saved.

If I like this parakeet necklace that has already been shared, I just click on it, and click the "Save" button! And it'll be saved straight to my board too!

If you are browsing someone's profile, you can just hover around the item that you like, and you can save it by clicking "Save" too. So many ways to make your shopping more convenient!!

With every online shopping service, you need a "Search" function because you never know when that style urge will kick in. For example, I was really feeling this holographic trend and I simply searched for the term "holographic" and yay all these pretty products came out straight away. Seriously, ShopperBoard makes online shopping SO MUCH easier.

Are you interested to get started already??

Not sure yet?? No problemooo, visit these links if you want more information!

Finally, we have come to the most exciting part - ShopperBoard's Christmas giveaway!! (YAY I LOVE GIVEAWAYS!)

(Source: ShopperBoard Facebook page)
It's very very very simple.

  1. Like ShopperBoard's FB page. 
  2. Like and share the Christmas Giveaway post
  3. Sign up for your free account (if you haven't)
  4. Create/Rename a board titled "ShopperBoard Christmas 2013" (without the brackets)
  5. Save at least 6 products in this board
  6. Hashtag your items #christmas for everyone to see!
  7. Additional chance: share you Christmas board on your facebook and tag ShopperBoard and/or Instagram a screenshot of your Christmas board and tag @shopperboard. You must include the sentence, "I want to win everything on my ShopperBoard for Christmas!". 

For more information on this, click on the following link: More information on ShopperBoard Christmas Giveaway

Because I'm kiasu, I have done everything, HEEHEE.

Of course, terms and conditions apply, so refer to the blogpost link for more information!

So here's my Christmas Board! Yay!

And if your search "christmas", you can view all the products that users have saved in their Christmas wishlists!

(Browse through all the #christmas products saved by other users by clicking this link)
So exciting right!! ShopperBoard not only makes your online shopping life easier, but they also hold contests quite frequently, so if you want to try your luck, like their facebook page!

I applaud you, my dear readers, for making it to the end of this post. I'm sure some of you may have forgotten the front part of this post. No problemo, here's a video for you! :D

Have this post made you a ShopperBoard believer? Join the community and enjoy the online shopping experience with ShopperBoard!

Thanks for reading guys and enjoy your week! :)

Friday, November 29, 2013

Jtown Cafe (Midpoint Orchard) - Get your Bakmi Ayam fix here!

It was one of those days when you can only be satisfied by a certain meal. For me, I desperately needed Indonesian food. Googling brought me to an Indonesian restaurant at Midpoint Orchard that specialises in Bakmi Ayam (Indonesian Chicken Noodles), so of course I had to go and give it a try!

First of all, I had no idea where Midpoint Orchard was. LOL. It's one of those buildings that never catches your attention when you walk past it!

Initially I was a bit reluctant to bring Kengyang here because he doesn't really fancy overly-salty food, and Indonesian food is, most of the time, overly-salty for a Singaporean palate. But hey, he actually enjoyed the food! I think Jtown Cafe toned down the saltiness a tiny bit, but aiyah still nice!

I ordered the Bakmi Ayam Cabe Ijo (Indonesian Chicken Noodles with Green Chilli). This was so good but so spicy. Halfway through our meal, I could feel some explosive chemical reaction going on in my tummy. HAHA. The serving was humongous and the noodles were spectacular! I think the next time I visit Jtown Cafe, I will just get the normal Bakmi Ayam.

Kengyang ordered the rice version of my dish (Nasi Ayam Cabe Ijo) and I didn't expect him to like it so much! The soup was really good and he said that the spiciness was just nice for him. OK lah, time to bring this guy to Indonesia for more amazing Indonesian food!

We ordered a couple of side dishes as well (we always over order, mehh). Jtown Cafe served Martabak Manis as well, and homg I miss this dessert so freaking much!! We had the mixed martabak with chocolate and cheese, and it was SO GOOD. Serving's a little small though. I wanted more! 

We also ordered Batagor (Fried Indonesian Fish Cake) and this was extremely average. The fish cake was way too doughy and the peanut sauce was too thick. But then again, anything fried is nice, so we still polished this up!

Jtown Cafe is a fuss-free, authentic Indonesian restaurant serving some kick-ass Bakmi Ayam! It's definitely a place I want to go to for my Indonesian Chicken Noodle fix!

Anyway, this is super random but I was ordering yesterday and the situation got kinda awkward. I ordered in Bahasa Indonesia, but she replied in English, even though I heard her speak in Bahasa Indonesia a couple of minutes before. HAHA. I was questioning my Bahasa Indonesia accent big time. :S

Jtown Cafe

#B1-04/05, Midpoint Orchard
220 Orchard Road, Singapore 238852
Open daily from noon to 9pm

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Singsale haul: BH Cosmetics brush sets and palette

So many temptations for shopaholics! My latest craze is Singsale. I have the app on my iPhone and it is disturbing my sleeping routine because I HAVE to browse the sales before I go to bed every night! Such a terrible addiction. Yikes. 

Singsale is basically a bargain shopper's paradise. It's a members-only service (free sign-up!) and you'll be able to browse sales from various international brands. New sales start every morning and each sale goes on for typically 2 to 3 days. Singsale hosts almost all kinds of sales - beauty, apparels, household products, etc. If you love convenient online shopping (My BH Cosmetics products purchase was done entirely on my phone. GREAT!), please download the app/visit the website regularly!

Some BH Cosmetics products that I purchase for S$10 each

Double-Ended Travel Brush Set (original price US$17.95, now on sale on store website for US$9.95)

(Source: X)

(Source: X)

Judy (itsjudytime, itsjudyslife, itsmommyslife) was raving about the BH Malibu Eyeshadow and Blush Palette in a few of her vlogs and I wanted to try the palettes so badly! Malibu has more greens and blues so it's not really up my alley, but the San Fransisco Palette looks great! So I got them!

BH San Fransisco Eyeshadow and Blush Palette (original price US$17.95, now on sale on store website for US$8.95).

(Source: X)

(Source: X)
I'm obviously on a brushes kick. Got myself another brush set! The brushes with the purple handles are so pretty! Reviews on the website are mostly extremely positive too, so I'm excited! :D

7 Pieces Travel Essential Brush Set (original price US$18.95, now on sale on store website for US$11.95)

(Source: X)

(Source: X)
Shipping takes some time though, and I had to pay S$8 more for shipping + delivery. But then again, if I ordered from BH Cosmetics website, it would have cost me much more and would take around the same timing to reach me. So, yes, patience is a virtue. 

The iPhone app doesn't show you in detail your order's trail. You have to go to the Singsale website and check it under your account! I'm estimating to receive mine maybe by next Monday? *fingers crossed*

So far, shopping on Singsale has been extremely fuss-free! Do try it out you shopaholics! And if you're in Malaysia, no problem, they have Mysale. Australia? Ozsale! New Zealand? NZsale! I think there are more countries, googling time!

Yay can't wait to get my stuff! :D

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Battling acne

It's a never-ending battle.

Let's start from my teenage years. I don't really have acne. Even when I had pimples, it's only one or two at one time and a really painful one only occurred once in a while.Long story short, I had no serious skin problems when I was young. If I had to forcefully list one skin problem that I had in my teens, then it'll perhaps be the blackheads on my nose. And that's it.

First year of university was great, my skin was still fine. Then, I started getting more invested in beauty and skincare products, which means I was constantly trying out new products and reviewing them. I did not, fortunately, suffer a bad skin reaction from a new product then.

Until I tried snail cream. It was obviously not for me. I especially hate it when people tell me that I need to endure a mild breakout first before the snail cream can work properly. Yes, I understand your point and sometimes I also think that way. However, when the breakouts were painful to the point where it hurt to smile, you know it's not a simple chemical reaction that would simply pass. I immediately stopped using the snail cream and hoped that my skin would calm down.

Just a disclaimer before I continue -  I have no intention of ruining the reputation of said snail cream. I had a terribly bad reaction, that's all. I'm sure it works its magic on many happy customers and I'm not doubting its authenticity whatsoever (I bought it online). I was unlucky and my skin didn't like snail cream.

Back to my horrific breakout... it didn't stop. I had painful lumps all over my face and they were mostly concentrated on the cheeks area. Now you know why it pained me to smile right? My skin had red patches everywhere and it looked horrible under makeup. Liquid foundation, concealer, BB Cream, everything didn't work. Instead of concealing the spots, they made them more obvious. It was certainly a nightmare. I'm obsessed with makeup and because of my skin, I grew to hate my makeup routine.

Eventually, I went to see a doctor. I didn't want to go to a dermatologist yet so I just visited Choa Chu Kang Polyclinic and hoped for the best. As expected, the doctor prescribed doxycycline pills (100mg) to me and gave me both Benzac AC gel (2.5%) and Acne Clear Pimple Treatment Cream.

Doxycycline pills can be really potent to some people. You need to consume it AFTER food. I don't really have the habit of eating breakfast so one fine morning I just ate one without food and oh my gosh the entire day I felt like puking. My tummy was not well at all and I just wanted to lie down and curl.

Also, these pills make you somewhat sensitive to sunlight and bright light. I'm not sure about the science behind it but do load up on sunscreen when you are on these pills and try to stay indoors.

Another tip will be to drink this with a full cup of water and not lie down immediately after you consume it. Some people feel a burning sensation in the throat area because they went to sleep straight after popping one pill.

Stock up on your oil-free moisturisers too because your skin is going to be really dry.

(from an eBay page that I don't want to link because you shouldn't buy these pills off eBay!)
Benzac AC 2.5% didn't really do much for me. But I like to apply it on top of an inflamed zit. It acts as a protective layer and who knows, maybe something chemical is going on!

Acne Clear Pimple Treatment Cream has been raved by A LOT of people. It was even featured on clicknetwork (it was one of Shu An's can't-live-without-it product).  This pimple cream is very cheap (even cheaper if get it prescribed from a polyclinic) and quite effective. I liked it so much that I used it too much. Now I have run out of it, and my doctor did not prescribe this to me during my recent polyclinic visit, so I think I'm going to get it at Watsons soon. It's definitely less than 10 bucks!

Things were going well and my acne cleared up in 5 months time. This is the thing that I would like to highlight to my readers who are going through the same nightmare as me - clearing acne takes time. Yes, a product that promises instant results seems enticing, but it will most certainly not kill the root of the problem. After 5 months, I had fairly clear skin and all I needed to get rid were the acne scars.

That was when I got a little lazy and stopped taking my pills and consuming my health supplements. I thought the spots were never coming back again.

Obviously I was wrong. After my Japan trip this year (in which I already started to get some spots but the amazing Japanese weather somewhat suppressed their growth), I started working.Then, the breakout started. This time, my jawline and upper mouth area were infested with small little spots and they all took turns surfacing and becoming painful pimples. It was not funny at all. I tried so many things! Cutting down on caffeine, sleeping more, drinking more green tea, eating more fruits and veges, buying more anti-acne products and nothing worked!

I googled and I realised I had hormonal acne coupled with acne that came back from not consuming doxycycline pills. It's like double trouble. :(

So, I gave up and went to the polyclinic again. And yes, I got myself 2 months' worth of doxycycline pills complete with another tube of Benzac AC 2.5% and one new product - Stieva-A Tretinoin Cream 0.025% (basically vitamin A).


I went back home and started googling this new cream that I acquired and it doesn't look pleasant. Apparently it's going to get rid of acne scars (and acne of course) and give you a new skin, but you will need to go through a shedding and mild breakout before the product starts working. I read that some people shed a lot of skin in a day and that makeup can actually look extremely cakey after using this for the first couple of months.

Also, this cream should only be used at night on DRY skin. After washing your skin, wait 15-20 minutes for the skin to completely dry before applying this to affected area, and then you wait another 20-30 minutes before applying moisturiser. This cream shouldn't be used excessively (can burn your skin!) and a little goes a long long way.

I have decided to not use this cream now. Perhaps I will start next year when my acne is calmer and my skin is less infected. I'll definitely let you guys know again on how that goes.

So yes, for the past week, I have been consuming doxycycline pills twice a day and applying benzac ac 2.5% in the morning.

Here's a quick summary of my skincare routine now (From over 15 spots, I'm down to 4 now):

Mario Badescu Acne Cleanser
Mario Badescu Special Cucumber Lotion
The Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Clearing Lotion (my review here)
The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil (my review here)
Benzac AC 2.5%

Clean & Clear Active Clear Acne Clearing Cleanser with The Body Shop Facial Buffer
Skin & Lab Glacial Clay Facial Mask (every Wednesday and Sunday) (my review here)
Mario Badescu Special Cucumber Lotion
Mario Badescu Buffering Lotion (on spots and cystic acne)
Etude House Pink Powder Spot (on spots) (my review here)

Other than the pills and the skincare routine, I'm also eating several health supplements now. 2 evening primrose oil pills and 1 vitamin e pill every morning, and 1 BioZinc+ pill every 2 days.

Evening primrose oil is excellent for hormonal acne. I bought a new batch last Sunday and now (10 days later) the spots around my jaw area has disappeared. It's really an amazing product and it also makes period cramps less painful.

If you are pregnant, please consult your doctor before consuming this! Also, if you are pregnant, you are not supposed to consume doxycycline pills.


I'm definitely consuming a lot of pills. I know for sure that I cannot take doxycycline pills for long because there are side effects. My doctor told me that the consumption of doxycycline should not exceed 6 months in one go. You should consume, stop and see how your skin is, then take again if needed. It's not a medicine for life.

I'll definitely take EPO to regulate my hormones though. Of course I'll stop when I get pregnant but I'm not planning for pregnancy till I'm 28/29 so I'm good.

It is indeed a never-ending battle with acne. I'm now extremely cautious of new products and I tend to stay away from buying skincare online (unless I can 200% confirm it's legit).

My skin is clearing up now, thankfully. But I have a lot of acne scars and my skin has a lot of red marks. It will take time to clear and I will patiently wait. I just hope that there are no more relapses in the future. :(

Hopefully this post is helpful to you guys and no matter what happens, remember to HAVE FAITH.

Rainy weather X leather jacket

My recent Taobao purchase arrived and the timing cannot be more precise. It has been gloomy these few days and the weather is acting up. Blazing hot when the sun's out and strangely cold when the sky pours. It's strange because I've never experienced Singapore this cold so frequently before. Guys, global warming is real okay. 

Anyway, my leather jacket was the perfect fit and it's everything I want in a leather jacket. It's also oversized and I don't feel restricted in my movements at all. Great buy from Taobao. Not to mention it's only RMB79. 

Here's the link if you also want to get it. I like to share the love.

Also, here is my post on my Taobao haul for the month of November 2013:

Gloomy, gloomy Thursday in this cold, cold office. Thank God I have this leather jacket on. :')

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Review: Etude House AC Clinic Intense Products

Ah acne. If only I can find a great product that settles both the acne breakouts and acne scarring, but no I have to keep searching and use combinations of products because no single product is that miraculous. Mario Badescu is a great brand for those with troubled skin (you can get them on Luxola!) but Mario Badescu products can be pricey. The ones that I was most interested in was the Mario Badescu Drying Lotion, but I really cannot justify US$17 (or S$33 on Luxola) for 29ml of product. Hence, I was on the prowl for a great dupe. 

I triumphed in my desperate search for a dupe and yay it's the Etude House AC Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot. If you compare the ingredients contained in both products, you will notice that most are the same. So, I decided to get the cheaper alternative! 

Of course while browsing Qoo10, I couldn't resist getting other products from the AC Clinic Intense line; they have A LOT of products that supposedly do A LOT of amazing things. In the end I bought two different sets:
  • AC Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot (15ml) + AC Clinic Intense Pink Powder Water (15ml) set for S$10.90
  • AC Clinic Intense Red Spot Balm (20ml) + AC Clinic Daily Acne Foam Cleanser (30ml) set for S$13.90
I bought the sets from a Qoo10 seller that sadly has declared OOS on all his Etude House AC Clinic Intense products. But hey, we are talking about Qoo10 here - one down, MORE TO GO. Obviously there are many others selling the same products. It's your decision to trust which store the most!

Personally, I like this store:  (great description for products and wowza variety of products! Also not very expensive!)

I'm sorry to the physical Etude House stores in Singapore, I simply cannot bring myself to pay the inflated prices for the products. Qoo10 sells Etude House products (and many other S.Korean brands) at a MUCH cheaper rate. Thank you Qoo10!!

The seller was very nice and included one face mask and one eye mask! 

This is the AC Clinic Intense Red Spot Balm (20ml) + AC Clinic Daily Acne Foam Cleanser (30ml) set.

And this is the AC Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot (15ml) + AC Clinic Intense Pink Powder Water (15ml) set.

Yes, they even included cotton buds that have a special pointed tip on one end. Very thoughtful, Etude House. But haha, normal cotton buds will work just as fine.

Packaging: Green, hygienic-looking, expensive-looking and the products seem like they are prescribed to you from a well-known dermatologist. I love the packaging and the products match well with my The Body Shop Tea Tree products (LOLOL). Now my bed side table looks very ... clinical. It's like screaming to the entire world that hey! This girl has acne problems and she's doing something about it okay! Yes, definitely fulfills my sad desire for positivity. :D

OK, first things first. You may have noticed that the AC Clinic Daily Acne Foam Cleanser is not included in the photo below. That's because of two reasons:

  1. I completely forgot to take a photo of it.
  2. Fortunately I forgot, because the product is not suitable for my skin at all. 
The Acne Foam Cleanser has a really strong formulation from a cleanser. I have very oily skin so I'm supposed to be able to withstand the strongest of strong cleansers right? WRONG. Even with my oily skin, the cleanser completely stripped my skin off its moisture. After washing my face with the cleanser, I had this extremely tight sensation and it was not pleasant. Furthermore, the skin on the tip of my nose started to peel?? WTF?? I stopped using it immediately. 

Also, you may have noticed that I didn't have photos of how the AC Clinic Intense Pink Powder Water looks like. Well, that's just because I forgot lah. :S 

The Etude House AC Clinic Intense Red Spot Balm is specially formulated for acne scars. It keeps the troublesome spots away and works on the existing acne scars. It also has a whitening effect, which definitely will be great for those really nasty red acne scars.

It has no paraben, no talc, no mineral oil, no tar colouring, no synthetic fragrances, and it's non-comedogenic. All in all, a really well-crafted product suitable for acne-prone skin.

How to use: Using the spatula provided, scoop a little out and apply it on acne-ridden areas after moisturiser and BEFORE any spot-specific medication/product.

I will use this on problem areas after my TBS Tea Tree Night Moisturiser and then apply Mario Badescu Buffering Lotion + Etude House AC Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot on top. I don't use this twice a day, I think that will be overkill. So, I just use it at night before bedtime!

Consistency and texture: It has a soft-mousse like texture. It doesn't feel greasy at all and I especially like how it applies lightly even though it looks like a thick cream. Moreover, this product gets absorbed to the skin really quickly.

Fragrance: I think I am weird. I love the smell of this product and it's not a pleasant smell at all. It has a very herbal-medicinal-foresty type of fragrance and I LOVE IT. It's definitely not a smell that everyone will love.

Etude House AC Clinic Intense Red Spot Balm after blending out. 
Does it work? To be honest, I'm not very sure yet. I haven't been using this product diligently and I always stop after a few days, forget about it and then get it back into my skincare routine again. However, this didn't break me out at all and getting rid of acne scars is a slow and steady process. I'll definitely make sure I use this every night!

Next is the product that started this Etude House haul - The Etude House AC Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot.

I was really excited about this product and yes I can safely say that this product works!

How to use: DO NOT SHAKE THE CONTAINER. Make sure you can see the two separate layers of medicated water and pink powder. Dip the cotton bud in and stick in to the bottom of the product. Remove the cotton bud and apply it on problem areas.

This creates two layers on your cotton bud - the moisture layer and the pink powder layer (which contains sulfur). I will not recommend using this all over the face because it can be too drying. Control your urges and just apply it on existing spots and pimples.

Consistency and texture: Just like any normal cream product, with perhaps a little more powdery texture.

Application: This will definitely leave a pinkish stain on your face (due to the pink sulfur powder), hence apply this at night before bed time. If you are alright with the stain then you can of course apply this twice a day! Word of caution though - this will make your liquid foundation look VERY dry. And it's damn obvious because only the applied areas will look extremely dry. Yes I tried before. :S

Does it work? This works wonderfully. The thing I hate about pimples is how painful they can be before they "ripen". This product accelerates this process and brings a pimple to a head very very quickly. Then after a second application (on the second night), the product accelerates the drying process and the pimple is dried out by the third day.Before this, I would have to wait days before a pimple "ripened" and that process was so bloody painful. Now I only have one-two days of pain! Definitely an improvement!

I also like how this gives a protective layer to the pimple. And you can actually feel the product working!

Anyway, this product can be applied on open pimple wounds, but it will sting like crazy so please be prepared for that. I always do that to myself - apply this on open pimples that just burst and I'll almost always tear up. THEN THE NEXT MORNING, the pimples will be dry and they are not so inflamed anymore. So yes, it's worth the pain lah.

The Etude House AC Clinic Pink Powder Water (the one I forgot to take close-up photos of), is a similar product but in a less strong formulation. This product requires a good shaking before application.I don't think it works very well and even though it doesn't break me out, it practically does nothing. So well, one paragraph for it is enough.

Recommended products: Etude House AC Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot (DEFINITELY) and the Etude House AC Clinic Intense Red Spot Balm.

Will I buy it/them again? Currently I'm running out of Pink Powder Spot, so I'm panicking and yes I'm going to send it my order soon!

This is such a long post. My back is hurting. Argh. Have a great Thursday guys! Hope this post has been useful! :D