Thursday, June 12, 2014

Wisdom gone.

Today's the 9th day after my wisdom tooth surgery and I'm having major discomfort at the affected gum area. The gums are trying to close but the process is really slow and the area is itchy and swelling and painful and everything unpleasant.

I feel like a teething baby. Not like I know how that feels like (anyone can remember their teething period? Definitely not me), but it's the best description of the nightmare that I'm going through.

Every time I eat things with a little bit of acidity or spiciness in them, I get these strange flares that hurt. The pain would go away eventually, but when the pain hit, it's a bitch.

I sound like a whining brat. Hmm.

But I really hate my situation right now and I feel like I cannot function properly. I just want to .... sleep the pain off!

Blogging will have to wait. The pain is affecting my mood and my brain is not rationally accessing and reviewing the products that I'm using now objectively. I want numbness. How to do that!!!

The first few days after surgery were very awesome. Practically painless because the painkillers were amazingly effective. Now that I have run out of them, I'm relying on Panadol Actifast, which DOES NOT WORK AT ALL.


I shall stop whining and eat some cold yoghurt.

I have lost ... 1.9kg. Hoorah?

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