Monday, May 6, 2013

Graduate lo! (Well, almost!)

My last day in WKWSCI was a really eventful one (I don't cout exams lah, so April 22nd is my last day in school haha). It started off with a crazy transportation bonanza where SMRT once again proved to the world how useless it was. =___= But no let's not go there. 

We started the day with immense nerves. Our oral presentation for Final Year Project was at 915am and we were just rehearsing like mad! Of course it went well (I think) and it was all over by 945am! HOORAH! We then had a lot of waiting to do because the buffet lunch was at half past one. A lot of waiting meant a lot of gossiping with people that I haven't seen for a long long time, so that was precious! :') 

Buffet lunch was from Amici and the WKWSCI management still gave us wellness packs! So awesome ah this school. :) 

The night was spent at fabrika and the gathering was like a conclusion to our undergraduate lives and a beginning to many many years of alumni gatherings to come. 

Thank you WKWSCI for the 4 years of great education and for giving me the opportunity to know all my wonderful friends! I LOVE WKWSCI! 

Technically, WKWSCI also gave me my job, so THANK YOU MORE MORE WKWSCI! :) 


This was taken right after our FYP oral presentation. HAPPY RESEARCHERS!! :) 

We also took one precious photo with Bo, our amazing FYP supervisor! The statistics genius!! 

Kokky was rehearsing her speech I think. haha. 


Anyway, I know I'm not dressed up for presentation lah, but whatever haha, I tried to formalise everything with the black blazer. I was dressing up for fabrika!!

Wellness packs from WKWSCI! <3 td="">

Everyone queueing up because the buffet was ready to be attacked!!

Those mushrooms were just heavenly. They were completely wiped out when I went back for more. Sian.

With Mark, Jasmine and Krsytal! 

Finally caught up with some Paverts at fabrika! :) Been long since I saw them and it was a good gathering!! 
I cannot say enough ah, but THANK YOU WKWSCI! :))

See all of you guys again on July 26th!

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