Tuesday, December 9, 2014

BLOGMAS Day 9: Current favourite Blogilates videos

It's BLOGMAS day 9!! Time flies man, time flies!! 16 more days to Christmas. WOW?! Luckily, I'm done with Christmas shopping. Can't wait to give them all out! 

Anyway, I'm sharing my current two favourite workout videos from Blogilates. I have two main concerns - the flabby arms and the muffin top. So, I have been looking for suitable workout videos online, but the problem is most of them involve so much movement! I know right, super diva all, want to get rid of flabby parts but don't want to move too much. But hey, it's possible and I found two videos from blogilates that seemed easy at first, but what the freak my muscles were so sore the next day. 

My current workout routine is either a 30-min jog + 2 "6 Min to Sexy Arms" videos + 2 "Muffintop Shredder" videos, or just 3 arms + 3 muffin top videos. Of course, I will switch it up every now and then when I get bored of the same routine - I'll just add in more blogilates videos! 

These days, whenever it's my apply-clay-mask day, I would do 2 "6 Min to Sexy Arms" videos while waiting for the mask to dry. Confirm feel like a superwoman! 

Anyway, the Blogmas posts are not going as smoothly as I thought they would be. Work has been crazy busy and I'm trying my best to stay sane and cheery. Can't wait for my long leave to start! 24 December, faster come!! :D 

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