Saturday, November 30, 2013

ShopperBoard - Online Shopping Made Easy

Online shopaholics unite!!

Let's not go into details about how amazing and convenient online shopping is, instead let's discuss how tiring the process of online shopping can be when you're a serial online shopper. 
  • "Oh, I like this. Oh, I like this too!!! So many chio ones!!" - you just keep right-clicking everything that you love from a website and opening them in new tabs. After that, what do you do? 
  • "Ok need to save this link. Bookmark, bookmark!" - Bookmarking, compiling all the nice things that you love. Then you come back and stare at your bookmarks 2 weeks later, hmmm what are these? PROBLEM: You save/bookmark links, but you don't know how the products look like. If you are a serial online shopper, this is a huge problem because you tend to save A LOT of links. 
  • "Maybe I should save the photos and links, and compile them in a word document!" - Brilliant idea, but terrible when executing. PROBLEM: Yes, it's a great idea to compile both photos and links together in one place, but wah, how long are you going to take to compile them? Online shoppers like convenience and promptness, compiling everything probably will waste half of your precious weekend. 
  • "Okay, I'll just leave the tabs and go back to them when I want to buy the items." - Once again great idea, but it ends there. PROBLEM: Having 30 over tabs, and then looking at them one by one to decide which to get (bye bye time). Not to mention how slow your browsing becomes, and how slow the entire system in general becomes. 
I have tried everything okay. EVERYTHING. Most of the time, there are 2 common aftermath - I get irritated and I stop OR I forget to buy everything that I find pretty. 

Then... I came across this life-saving online service. LIFE-SAVING. 

ShopperBoard is a brilliant, brilliant locally initiated service for online shopping users. It's simple to use and it answers the problems that  most online shopping enthusiasts face - organising the online products that you fancy in one single location and the ability to choose your saved products at one glance and purchase them when you are ready to. GENIUS.

It's so easy to online shop now! 

Looking at my ShopperBoard profile below, it's quite obvious how addictive ShopperBoard can be. When you click on someone's profile, you will instantly be brought to their profile page with all their saved products displayed. 

It's not so simple, you know. It's like showing the world your sense of style. I find it extremely satisfying to find online products that I fancy and follow my sense of style. Quite therapeutic because at the end of the day, when I click on my own profile, everything looks consistent. Maybe I have mild OCD. Yikes. 

(Follow me or browse what I've saved at X)
Another thing that I really love about ShopperBoard is how organised I can be. Instead of just dumping everything into my profile page, I can organise them under different categories ("boards") and make my life much easier. For example, I need dresses for an upcoming Christmas party, so I'll need to search for one under my saved products, but what if I have saved 200 products?! If I have saved all the dresses under my "Dresses" board, I can just click on that board and I will see all of my saved dresses when I need to buy one!

Of course, you can follow your friends or any users that you think have the same fashion preferences as you. ShopperBoard allows you to save and share products - it's like social media platform for online shopping devotees.

The next alternative will be to follow the stores that you like. I especially like this function because I'm the type of online shopper who tends to stick to certain online shops. I'm open to new brands, but most of the time, I browse the same websites.

Some new users will be wondering, "eh? why all the products not as updated as the website itself?" That's because these stores are updated by ShopperBoard users themselves and not the actual stores! This means that if I added a new product from and no one has ever added a product before, a new store for will be automatically created and future products from the same website will be collated there.

It's quite clever actually. Sometimes while browsing, I see new products that have not been shared on ShopperBoard and I have this urge to share them with other users! Once you save a product, it will be visible to ALL users!

Currently, ShopperBoard is working on a function to privatise one's account, so if you are iffy about sharing everything with everyone, there's an ongoing development now to answer your worry!

Let's now start on the exciting part - how to save your products!

There are three ways:

  1. Click the "+Add" button at the top right hand corner and copy paste the link, or
  2. Add the "+Add to Board" button to your bookmarks/favourites bar, and just click it when you are viewing a website of the product that you like.
  3. Simply save from other users!

Just follow these steps to get started. Super simple. I have the BoardButton added to my laptop, work laptop and work desktop computer. HAHA. 

For more information on the BoardButton (different internet service providers, mobile usage, etc), please click on these links: BoardButton Info and BoardButton FAQ

(Source: X)

I realised this is going to be quite a long post. But hey, anything for my fellow online shopping addicts! So grab a tea/coffee/drink of choice and carry on! :D

A step-by-step on how to save your aiyoh-so-chio-i-wanna-buy-next-time items.

1. Find your products. (So pretty right this ASOS skirt???)

2. Click on your "+Add to Board" button. You should instantly be prompted to choose the image that you want to use.

3. Choose your preferred image, and you will be prompted with the below window. Save the product into one of your existing boards or create a new one instantly! Write your comment (you can ignore this part too if you don't want to comment!) and click "Save to ShopperBoard"

4. You'll be prompted with another window, this time for the details of the product, like its price, etc. If you don't want to add any details, you can just click "Update Details" and it will still be saved.

5. Voilà!! It's now saved in your ShopperBoard account!

Then you realise, hmm, I need to change the Board Title because hey! There are so many types of skirts! 

Easy peasy. Just click on that particular board, and edit it straightaway. The pencil tool means that you can edit the text! 

For more information on how to edit Board Title, click this link: Board Title FAQ

It's easy to edit the board description too! And if you want to delete a certain board, super easy peasy - "Delete" button! 

Another feature that I like about ShopperBoard is how I can follow someone's board. So instead of following the user only, I can follow one of her boards if I find it interesting! 

Lastly, you can save a product simply by saving what other users have saved.

If I like this parakeet necklace that has already been shared, I just click on it, and click the "Save" button! And it'll be saved straight to my board too!

If you are browsing someone's profile, you can just hover around the item that you like, and you can save it by clicking "Save" too. So many ways to make your shopping more convenient!!

With every online shopping service, you need a "Search" function because you never know when that style urge will kick in. For example, I was really feeling this holographic trend and I simply searched for the term "holographic" and yay all these pretty products came out straight away. Seriously, ShopperBoard makes online shopping SO MUCH easier.

Are you interested to get started already??

Not sure yet?? No problemooo, visit these links if you want more information!

Finally, we have come to the most exciting part - ShopperBoard's Christmas giveaway!! (YAY I LOVE GIVEAWAYS!)

(Source: ShopperBoard Facebook page)
It's very very very simple.

  1. Like ShopperBoard's FB page. 
  2. Like and share the Christmas Giveaway post
  3. Sign up for your free account (if you haven't)
  4. Create/Rename a board titled "ShopperBoard Christmas 2013" (without the brackets)
  5. Save at least 6 products in this board
  6. Hashtag your items #christmas for everyone to see!
  7. Additional chance: share you Christmas board on your facebook and tag ShopperBoard and/or Instagram a screenshot of your Christmas board and tag @shopperboard. You must include the sentence, "I want to win everything on my ShopperBoard for Christmas!". 

For more information on this, click on the following link: More information on ShopperBoard Christmas Giveaway

Because I'm kiasu, I have done everything, HEEHEE.

Of course, terms and conditions apply, so refer to the blogpost link for more information!

So here's my Christmas Board! Yay!

And if your search "christmas", you can view all the products that users have saved in their Christmas wishlists!

(Browse through all the #christmas products saved by other users by clicking this link)
So exciting right!! ShopperBoard not only makes your online shopping life easier, but they also hold contests quite frequently, so if you want to try your luck, like their facebook page!

I applaud you, my dear readers, for making it to the end of this post. I'm sure some of you may have forgotten the front part of this post. No problemo, here's a video for you! :D

Have this post made you a ShopperBoard believer? Join the community and enjoy the online shopping experience with ShopperBoard!

Thanks for reading guys and enjoy your week! :)

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