Thursday, October 3, 2013

Recent gluttony

Wake up. 
Prepare for work. 
Go to work. 
Go back home. 
Wash up.
Occasional exercising. 
Watch videos. 

That's how my weekdays look like. Very mundane indeed, but wait till I list out what I do during lazy weekends - SLEEP, WATCH VIDEOS, EAT, BATHE, SLEEP. No more. 

It's also October. We are 10 months into 2013. I don't understand how the universe works. Like why is time passing so quickly when you're busy AND when you're doing nothing? I thought I just started work? I thought I was still waiting for my first ever pay cheque? Now I'm 4 months into my job. WOAH. 

Anyway, here are some photos of my recent food intake. Nothing too fancy, but finding good food or eating new things excites me these days. 

The new McDonalds breakfast burger - delicious but that extra dollop of mayonnaise was really unnecessary. 

Song Fa Bak Kut Teh - I love it because it's so near my office and it's great for those dreary rainy days.

I was ill two weeks ago and so I tried to eat bland food. This was anything but bland, haha. However, it's healthy - tofu + egg! - so yay!

Imba pork chop from a Clementi hawker centre - this was super yummy and extremely affordable. I always love to eat cheap food from hawker centres, but wah sometimes the weather really cannot tahan. :(

Xi Men Jie (Westmall) - The curry was wtf gooey. Kengyang was not impressed AT ALL. The fried chicken was good enough though. And the fried squid was great too! That glue-texture curry really killed the whole experience. =_=

Maxwell Food Centre always have hidden gems! I wanted to eat something new for lunch and decided to try a no-queue Thai food stall. My basil chicken rice was SO GOOD. Why no one queueing for it ah?

Singapore really is a food paradise. OMNOMNOM. Now I'm really missing a good plate of Indonesian fried rice. Or maybe a really spicy bowl of Tom Yum Goong. It's 10pm! FOOD FOOD COME TO MY DREAMS!! 

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