Friday, August 23, 2013

Hormonal Acne

The last time I had clear skin was in 2010. Yes, it has been that long. Usually, it's always a pimple here and there, but last year I had a massive breakout because of one very fail product. Luckily, I managed to survive that massive breakout and my skin was relatively clear for a while.

Now, I have tiny spots all around my mouth area and my chin. They are just tiny spots, but sometimes some of them will turn into painful cystic acne. :(

The thing that frustrates me the most is whenever I apply concealer to at least look presentable, it makes the spots stand out more. Many of you will wonder why I'm still using makeup when I have acne problems. Well, many of you have the misconception that applying makeup will guarantee the production of more spots and pimples. That is generally untrue because makeup products have advanced so much in the recent years. Now beauty users have the option to use oil-free and non-comodegenic products that do not exacerbate the acne situation, but can still conceal the redness.

After many days of googling, I realise I have hormonal acne. It's not a good thing though because this means whatever impurities that exist on my skin cannot be solved by using acne-clearing or acne-preventing products. Those products only work on the surface and cannot work on hormonal imbalance - the main cause of hormonal acne.

Getting hormonal acne is not funny AT ALL because it's more difficult to get rid of. You need to restore the balance in your hormone system and that's more easy said than done.

I reviewed my current lifestyle and finally understood why I'm getting this terrible hormonal acne:
  • I drink way too much coffee (sometimes 3 servings a day!)
  • I sometimes munch on too much nuts and drink too much soy milk (which apparently can throw your hormones off the radar)
  • I eat processed food way too often (instant noodles, instant pastas, instant whatever)
  • I don't sleep very much.
  • I'm easily stressed and I have low self-esteem, which adds to the stress factor.
  • I don't change my bedsheet very often.
  • I have stopped take evening primrose oil pills and other supposedly good-for-your-skin supplements.
  • I live in a country where hot weather is a daily occurence and I go out or come home during peak hours - more toxins in the air from cars, trucks, buses, etc etc etc.
  • I have a weird problem with vegetable and fruits. When I want to eat them, I eat them in excess. When I don't want to eat them, I don't eat them at all.
It's a terrible lifestyle, and I'm determined to change it so that this stupid hormonal acne will disappear.

I have decided to cut on my coffee intake. 3 servings a day is bonkers and so I will cut to 1 serving a day, and then replace the other 2 servings with green tea (which is supposed to be good for your skin and overall well-being).

I have decided to cut on the nuts and soy milk. The thing is I cannot drink normal cow milk because my skin does not like it at all (BAM a pimple after I consume normal milk, no joke at all). Hence, I drink soy milk to replace it, but it seems like I'm over-consuming haha. It's time to consume soy milk maybe like twice a week. Also, good bye nuts for the time being! Time for a regular intake of vegetables and fruits!

Sleeping sounds easy but it's not so easy at the beginning. I'm trying to sleep more nowadays. 11pm is my bedtime and I sleep for around 7-8 hours, which should be sufficient. So that's one change done.

I'm going to change my bedsheet tonight. LOL.

It's time to go back to EPO pills and multi-vitamin pills. They are expensive, yes, but I guess they are an investment to a happier me. So why not? EPO pills are magical, to be honest. In the 6 months that I consumed EPO pills last year, I had zero menses cramps. Excellento.

I can't change the environment that I live in, so maybe I will try to remove my makeup and the impurities as soon as I reach home. Maybe I need to sweep and mop my floor more frequently. My room is really dusty ah, I don't know why!

I hope my hormonal acne clears up soon. I'm not expecting overnight miracles but I hope it will go away in a couple of months' time. Before then, I'm sorry if you cannot take the acne around my mouth area. I know it's very ugly but just ignore them okay? :(

Please go away acne!!


Chay said...

hi fee! let me know if you want tea, i can be your tea fairy hahahahaha

Fitrina Lim said...

HOLA CHAY! I have yet to deplete my green tea supply from Japan! I'll ask u for advice ah when I run out. BANG BANG WO AH, ZHEN FAN NAOOOO.