Saturday, November 10, 2012

Halloween Horror Night 2 at Universal Studios Singapore!

A couple of weekends ago, I went to Universal Studios Singapore for the Halloween Horror Night 2 event and I still have no idea why I bought my ticket. 

I watch a lot of horror movies. I don't scream and I don't cringe when I watch them. But watching horror movies is a completely different experience from being in a horror setting yourself. 

That night, I truly became the biggest scaredy-cat of all. 

Good job to USS for the amazing event though. Queueing up for the haunted houses was a bitch, but it was definitely well worth the money. Amazing array of scare tactics and no scrimping on the costs! Although I was incredibly terrified, it was a really good 4.5 hours. 

Of course going with the correct people helped elevate the amazing experience further, so thanks to lirong, rachel and kengyang! :) 

Before the gates were open (they opened at 745pm), the queue was already crazy long. It's quite hilarious actually because when they finally played the eerie sound effects, people were cheering and clapping. I have no idea why they did that but I just followed along because cheering's always good. lol. 

Photos time! In the following photos taken inside the compound, I have ZERO smiling photo. I just was freaked out by everything.

There was this terrible mummy thing on bouncy stilts. He (it?) spotted me at the bag-drop counter and ran towards me, and freaking SCREAMED ON TOP OF MY HEAD. I reached home at 2am and still rushed to wash my hair. That terrible person. =_=

Also, I really hate clowns. Can't even be bothered with clown ghosts. Thank God kengyang is tall. Every single time we walked past the House of Dolls, the clown would approach, and I would just hide behind him.

Haha this ghost was damn funny. Lirong took a photo with him and she was incredibly polite so I guessed she made an impression. So we walked away, and then walked back to the same area. The same ghost was hiding behind a food cart and very much ready to pounce. Lirong walked past, and he jumped out. He then realised it was the same girl from before and so he did a half jump back and waved. HAHAHAHAHAH. WHAT A LOVELY GHOST.

This ghost girl's makeup is too good. LOVE IT.

She was very much into character too. While taking photos with other people, she noticed that some stupid dudes were touching her station's stuff. So she just jolted and screamed at them. Stupid dudes.

Incredibly simple ootd for a really long night. It was a really hot day though, so the black-black combo was a little bit unforgiving.

Lovely boyfriend who carried my floral bag. HAHAHAHAHA. I must emphasise that I did NOT force him to do it ah.

and then there's Lirong with the 5kg nutella. noms.

Amazing day (night?) with amazing people. Definitely was a good escape from schoolwork! :)

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