Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Review: elf High Definition Powder

I have been lemming for elf High Definition Powder ever since dulcecandy raved about it on one of her videos.

I purchased mine via sg-beauty for a mere S$6. The seller used only a very little amount, so it' almost brand new when I got it! :)

The packaging of the the powder is a love-hate for me. Yes, it looks very sleek with the matte, black cuboid, HOWEVER, this product is extremely bulky. When you fit it in your normal makeup pouch, the pouch will have this unsightly bulge. I have given up trying to bring this out to touch up my foundation. Usually I just apply in the morning before I leave, and no more.

When you open the cuboid, this is what you will get.

I do not understand why companies like to include powder puffs for loose powder. I mean it's a completely useless addition! Especially for this product! The powder is white in colour and although it's really fine in texture, when you dab it on using the puff, you get hideous white patches on your face, which can only be rectified using a brush. Hence, why not just include a brush instead of a puff? Cost of production is much lower with the inclusion of a powder puff, but I'd be very much happier if they included a brush instead!

This is the product's dimension, as compared to an Essie nail polish bottle.

This is how the powder looks like (with flash on).

The texture of this powder is LOVE. It is so finely milled and so soft. Also, it is lightweight! All these lead to an important trait that we look for in all loose powders: it is super blendable! However I read online that the super fine texture can actually be detrimental to the skin because it is small enough to enter the pores and into the blood stream. Hence, I don't recommend frequent usage of this product, although the texure can be quite addictive, especially the moment when you just finished application - the skin is so smooth and so awesome to touch.

I applied it using a powder brush, and a light hand is a must for this product! No need for crazy dipping because a little goes a long long way. I'm actually quite impressed by how long this product keeps my skin from being oily. After 3 hours of application, my skin still feel matte and smooth, with no oily patches.

I will definitely recommend elf High Definition Powder despite the issues that I have with it. It's quite a pleasant product to work with, and if you want to avoid getting the product into your skin, perhaps you should apply this over liquid foundation or BB Cream.

Awesome product (not so awesome packaging) and I'm definitely going to repurchase! :)

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