Saturday, October 30, 2010

other things on my mind

  1. How come my hair is still in good condition after dying regularly once a month?
  2. How am I going to survive the cold in Sweden?
  3. How come I am still certain I'm going to Sweden when INSTEP refuses to reply me? In my mind, I don't really have that nudging feeling that I'm not going. Is that a good sign?
  4. Why am I constantly shopping and why is the bank account not depleted? Everytime the bank account gets under 200, pay will be in/grandmother will be here/allowance will be in/angbaos/grandfather will be here. HOW TO STOP MY ADDICTION YOU TELL ME.
  5. Yes, I want to go for liposuction.
  6. My room is a pig sty. Must clean. Soon.
  7. I really do miss him sometimes. Even after 2 years. They said if you don't miss someone after a break-up means you don't really put your all into the relationship. Guess I did put my all. :)

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