Monday, October 25, 2010

Fixing the problem right away.

Huiling and I are embarking on a lose-weight programme.

Current rules:
  1. No more soft drinks.
  2. Bubble tea will replace a meal. (I shall try on a bubble tea ban though)
  3. 2-3 servings of fruits everyday. (making full use of wkwsci's vending machine)
  4. Sleep earlier, at least 6-8 hours of sleep everyday.
  5. Cut carbohydrate intake by half, even whole wheat stuff.
These rules apply to me only because I don't stay in hall and I have a gym to go to:
  1. Walk on the spot everyday for 1 hour. Especially when I'm watching TV.
  2. On top of that, jog for 45 minutes once every 2 days.
Let's see whether all this will work or not. All will start after Tuesday, since I'm going to FIKA to celebrate kok's birthday. LOL. Something like the last indulgent meal.

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