Thursday, September 17, 2009

Myriad of emotions coming out of History tutorial

Yes, contrary to what people think about me, I actually listened in History class. Screw those who think I am in university by sheer luck. 

I was rather angered by what was mentioned by a Singaporean during History class today. We were discussing on the topic of nationalism, and he commented that Singapore's tactics in trying to unite the country were not working on him because he was apathetic to the current regime and he added that in the context of Singapore going into war, if he had the chance to not be "forced" to fight, he will be the first man on the line to emigrate the country. I was seriously very pissed off but I didn't say anything about it. I didn't want the class to turn into some heated argument.

He simply used the wrong word to describe his great dislike towards the father and son team. He should have used the phrase "i care less", instead of saying "i am apathetic". 

This brings me to talk about Singaporeans who whine and bitch everyday about how Singapore is screwed and they hate the current system it is running on and all that bull. If you don't like the nation then go live somewhere else lar! No money to live somewhere else, then keep your mouth shut. You are obliged to stay in the nation and if you are still reaping the benefits and privileges that you have that you shouldn't be complaining so much. 

I agree that this is a subjective matter. Foreigners who come to Singapore will almost always love the country in one way or another. Singaporeans on the other hand prefer other countries. This is a vicious cycle that every country in the world is trapped in. But that does not mean that you are apathetic to what is happening in the country you belong to. 

I have stayed in Singapore for 60% of my life and I am not shameful to admit that I love Singapore better than Indonesia. However, I don't despise Indonesia. I still care about my birth nation and I still want to know about the country. It is rather ironical for Singaporeans to say that they are not patriotic because I believe if I say that I love Singapore better, some of you whiners will feel some sense of pride. 

Some then criticise the Singapore political system and how it is completely run by the Lees and how you are brainwashed by the PAP. Think about it. Are you roaming the streets begging for money now? Are you living in slums? Are you so poor that you cannot go to a university even though you have the brains? Are you living in a country that is struck by the problem of extreme rich-poor divide? 

You are definitely not. 

If you complain about your life in Singapore, then what happens to those living in poverty in the other parts of the world. Should they complain as well, and not make their lives better.

It's a shame, I repeat again. 

If you want to be really apathetic about the nation you are living in then you should just get out of the country straight away, and not waste the nation's effort in grooming you to be a stellar individual through university education.

Think about it.

Singapore has one of the best education system, transportation system in the world and one of the least corrupted government (do not blast me on that). and you are still complaining? 

You can complain about the Lees and PAP, but you cannot deny that they have a part to play, no matter how small you think it is, in creating a better Singapore. 

Please, Singaporeans, stop complaining of the superfluous. If you are unhappy about something, do something about it. Don't just sit there and criticise the system blatantly without thinking of other nations. 


And yes, I am really pissed about it. 

Oh, I forgot to mention that even if I love Singapore better than Indonesia, I still watch the news on Indonesia. I still feel the patriotism for Indonesia, I still want to contribute to Indonesia. No matter how much I love Singapore, Indonesia is my birth place and just like me, I believe deep down inside somewhere in your hearts, you will still love your country. 

So stop complaining lar. OMG. 

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