Monday, August 31, 2009

Felicia Chin breaks down in Celebri-tea

Excerpt from Yahoo! news:

On last night's episode of Ch U's Celebritea Break, guest Felicia Chin tearfully broke down in the face of hosts Quan Yifong and Guo Liang's constant interrogations about the ongoing rumours about her alleged plastic surgery. Succumbing to the overwhelming pressure, the actress constantly fidgeted, scratching her head and then started tearing when the sensitive topic.

"I know a lot of people have said I did a boob and nose job," she calmly reiterated. Lee Teng, who Felicia's schoolmate in Victoria Junior College, defended his good friend and immediately retorted the hosts' questions. "Her bust area is real. You should know Guys like to observe such things and she is really quite busty. And at that point of time, it was the growth spurt for her."

Regarding talk about her double-eyelid job, Felicia revealed that one of her eyes used to be single eyelid while the other had a double-eyelid. After long-term usage of the double-eyelid tape, the single fold eventually developed a crease and became a double-eyelid.

The actress continued to express her opinions on plastic surgery, "It's ok. It is not a forbidden kind of surgery. If you really did it, you must bear responsibility. Plastic surgery is a very personal thing. In today's society, everyone is very modern."

However, as Felicia continued, her composure started to waver and she appeared restless. At the sight of this, Lee Teng chimed in support, and fired back questions at the two hosts. "If someone corrects their teeth, is that considered as plastic surgery?" When Guo Liang agreed to his statement, Felicia immediately interjected, "Then I have done plastic surgery! I used to wear invisible braces to push my teeth behind a little bit more!"

Before Celebritea Break closed for the night, Felicia's mood fluctuated and the actress was nearing a breakdown. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as she commented, "You guys have asked me a lot of questions that I do not know how to answer Sometimes I feel that I am not suitable for this line of work There are a lot of things going on in my mind and I don't really know how to express them."

Though I was kinda swayed at certain parts of the show, I still believe she is au-naturel. Don't know what the hype is about her having plastic surgery. If you look at it in a global way, Hollywood actresses depend on plastic surgery to bring in the big bucks. Demi Moore scored some of her biggest deals (eg, Ashton Kutcher) only after her massive plastic surgery.

Singaporeans are seriously way too confusing. One day, they talk about being open-minded, another day they emphasised on being traditional. 

COM 205 lecture is a great time for blogging. WAHAHAHAHA. 

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