Saturday, June 6, 2015

Hougang Adventures + Weight Rant

Oh look what I found! A forgotten blogpost! 

These photos were from almost 4 months ago, oh my goodness. We had a Chinese New Year gathering at Dora's house and we all had a great time. Finally met all of Dora's pet and non-pet birds. "Non-pet" meaning there were these birds that flew from don't know where to her house. Her house macam pit stop/ rest stop for birds like that. 

Anyway, onto something completely irrelevant to the photos ...

Someone said this to me last week - "Fitrina, you have a pleasant face! Would be much better if you lose a little bit of weight!". And this individual didn't mean the words negatively. The words were supposed to be somewhat motivational and encouraging. Initially, I didn't put much thought into these words, but I kept thinking about them before I went to bed that night.

It's like telling me an A- is great, but if I put in more effort and get an A+, it will be much much better.

I used to be incredibly fixated with losing weight and getting thinner. But I couldn't let go of my food-loving nature, so you know what I did? I ate way too much, then I barfed.

I have decided to let go of this tiring habit by loving myself more. Yes, I'm not thin. But I'm not morbidly obese as well. I try my best to eat healthily and I make sure I work out at least 3 days a week. I know I'm doing what I can to be healthy and that is all that matters. So, I'm just going to take those words with a pinch of salt.

Now... to all those of you who lack the sense of filtering when you speak, what if those words were received by someone who did not have self-love or someone who already felt unsure about himself/herself? What detrimental impact would those words have on him/her? A few simple words that will add more burden on that someone. I know you mean well, but if your words have that element of ambiguity, then it's better not to say anything.

My response to this individual was simple - "Oh thanks! How about you join me this Sunday at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve? I usually do a bi-weekly morning hike there." I got a "haha wah really ah, good for you then!" reply back and this individual left.

To those of you who are battling such words everyday and greatly affected by them, please try your very best to ignore them. Most of time, these people meant no harm. They just needed to say something. If acquaintances/strangers say these words, it's best to ignore - what do they know about your life right? If people whom you care about say those words, then let them know you're bothered by those words. They won't stop till you yourself do something about them. Ignore or inform.

I'm glad I love myself more now. I still get the occasional boohoo-I-hate-myself sessions but usually just on those days before monthly cycles end. Maybe next time when I need to try wedding dress then I lose more weight lah hor? :D Must look mei3 mei3 glam glam~~

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