Friday, September 20, 2013

Health supplements for hormonal acne

I'm going crazy over my hormonal acne. I will have 2 days of no breakouts and then then third day I'll have breakouts at unexpected places (e.g. next to my lip, above my eyebrows). It sucks even more because skincare products that are supposed to help with acne don't really work on my skin. Yes, I my face doesn't feel as oily as before, but the spots keep coming.

If the pimples are those with pus, it's still fine, because you know they will eventually go away. But the ones I have don't even have pus in them! Just spots all around my chin and upper lip area. They are even more obvious when I use concealer. Such a bother.

Hence, I have decided to be more proactive. Let's take some health supplements! Don't worry, I'm not taking random health supplements. I have researched for close to two weeks and reading through good and bad reviews, recommended dosages, and all that awesomeness, I have decided to stick with Blackmores Bio Ace Plus and Blackmore Bio Zinc.

Nope, I'm not taking both at the same time - that will be major overdosage and I'll die...probably.

I'm planning to take Bio Ace Plus for 30 days first since it contains selenium and grape seed extract which really helps in healthy skin. Then after that, I'll continue with Bio Zinc for 90 days to maintain my skin. Bio Zinc is somewhat similar to Bio Ace Plus, just that the latter contains a higher dosage of vitamin A and has selenium and grape seed extract.

Let's see if I'll see miracles! I'm not expecting instant results, but a month or two is a good period right?

Ah these skin issues of mine. :(

Also, I just started on Insanity workout yesterday and my body is aching SO BAD. But IMMA PERSEVERE! ABS COME TO ME!

1 comment:

Anonymous said... has supplements too!! Has many reviews on the product so you can read before buying. ZHP132 at checkout :-) hope you'll take a look!