Saturday, April 24, 2010

let's plan some fun

The past 3 papers have completely drained my mind and soul. FTT is an asshole and DH is no longer as charming as he used to be. Well, I'm that biased. You don't give me good grades and if I think I deserve better, then the teachers are at fault. Such selfish thoughts are definitely not healthy for on old mind like mine. So I shall be zen. I shall treat things with multiview perspective. If I score badly, means I have things to improve on and not because I am lousy.

Mantra drilled in head.

Head is throbbing. Seriously.

I was so depressed after the 206 paper (not because it was undoable, but because of how DH released the final assignment results hours before the paper) that I watched all the Zac Efron videos that I could find on youtube. Then, I found 2 cans of Tiger Beer in the fridge and I gulped them down so quickly that I felt sleepy instantly. After I woke up, my head is in terrible pain.

Life of a university student. Mundane.

Therefore I shall plan my holidays now! MUAHAHAHAHAHA. Perhaps just a rough idea first?
  1. BYEBYEHALL Party.
  2. Shopping at Bugis.
  3. Shopping at Chinatown.
  4. Visit Kenneth Lornie Goh's fabulous new home. I WANT TO SEE THE SKY GARDEN!
  5. Write in to 8 days since Kenneth Lornie Goh said it was easy to get "letter of the week". HAHA.
  6. Get MONGA from ChanHuiLing.
  7. Get Coraline and other awesome movies from LuoNaDe.
  8. Start making christmas cards for my awesome friends.
  9. Start on my Get Healthy Plan. Wang wants to lose 10 pounds and I want to lose 10 kg. Hen hao.
  10. FOC planning.
  11. FOC.
  12. Paparazzi perhaps?
  13. TV Coding Job (extended till December 2010! SWEET!)
That's it for now. I will of course try to add more stuff inside for more excitement.


But I can make it exciting. =)

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