Saturday, June 21, 2014

iPrice Coupons Singapore - Get your online shopping coupons & codes here!

I'm no stranger to online shopping; I'm actually quite the online shopping addict. I have days (I'm sure many of you can relate!) whereby I feel really tired and stressed out at work, and I decide to explore the various dangerous online shopping sites. Most of the time, I will end up carting and checking out something. It's a terrible habit to advocate, but this post is dedicated in telling all you online shopaholics how to save some money! 

I was approached by iPrice Coupons Singapore for a blog collaboration and after I browsed the website, I knew I would need to share this with my readers! A quick disclaimer - I was approached by iPrice Coupons Singapore by email to share the website in my blog, but nope, I was not paid to intentionally rave about the website. All opinions are of my own and I genuinely like the website! Can save money le, of course must share right! 

iPrice Coupons is already available in other Asian markets like Malaysia, Thailand and Hong Kong, and I'm so glad that it has finally landed on the red tiny dot! 

With this site, you can also browse through their shop that carries a lot of famous labels internationally and locally. You can search for River Island, Mango and more. Not only that, you will be notified if there are any deals or promotions going on which relate to the brands that you like!

Because I online shop so much, I always try to find discount coupons and codes to at least save some money. I find my codes/coupons either by googling them before I check out, or I subscribe to an online shop's mailing list and I will get notified in my inbox. 

The problem is blindly searching for a working and authentic code on Google is quite a challenging task. There was one time I tried 10+ codes on ASOS and in the end I bought my stuff without any codes, AND THEN THE NEXT DAY ASOS GAVE ME A MAILING LIST EXCLUSIVE CODE. =_= 

Also, I subscribed to A LOT of online shopping website and sometimes my inbox is flooded with various emails from these sites. I usually delete them on a daily basis and in the process of deleting, I may have missed a code or two. 

That's why iPrice Coupons Singapore is a great website - it compiles all the coupon codes for various web-stores like Zalora, Luxola and Zuji. You have the access to all these codes in one site and it's really saving a lot of time; no more googling and trying out various codes for these web stores! 

For example, you have the various available (and authentic) coupons for Zalora. Each code comes with an expiration date, which is a nifty touch.

And some codes for Luxola. Luxola is my guilty pleasure haha, so yay can save money on my next purchase!

There are two types of codes/coupons that you can get. First is the codes that you have to enter when checking out. In iPrice Coupons Singapore, these are indicated by the blue "Get The Code" buttons. When you click one, you will be prompted with the code that you can copy paste on the check-out page. 

Second is orange "Go To Offer" button. This one will bring you straight to the web store. For example, Zalora had a specific sale for Mango. So when you click the orange button...

... Zalora's page will pop up on a new tab, specifically for the Mango items that are on sale! Hence, even if you are not on Zalora's mailing list, you're still informed on the various sales that they have! 

iPrice Coupons Singapore proves to be quite useful for my many impulse online shopping adventures. They are currently adding more and more stores to their list and I'm excited for the future discounts that I can get! HEH. #onlineshopaholicforever 

Do check out the website and hopefully you can get additional discounts on your purchases! :) Have a great weekend guys!!

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