Thursday, November 21, 2013

Singsale haul: BH Cosmetics brush sets and palette

So many temptations for shopaholics! My latest craze is Singsale. I have the app on my iPhone and it is disturbing my sleeping routine because I HAVE to browse the sales before I go to bed every night! Such a terrible addiction. Yikes. 

Singsale is basically a bargain shopper's paradise. It's a members-only service (free sign-up!) and you'll be able to browse sales from various international brands. New sales start every morning and each sale goes on for typically 2 to 3 days. Singsale hosts almost all kinds of sales - beauty, apparels, household products, etc. If you love convenient online shopping (My BH Cosmetics products purchase was done entirely on my phone. GREAT!), please download the app/visit the website regularly!

Some BH Cosmetics products that I purchase for S$10 each

Double-Ended Travel Brush Set (original price US$17.95, now on sale on store website for US$9.95)

(Source: X)

(Source: X)

Judy (itsjudytime, itsjudyslife, itsmommyslife) was raving about the BH Malibu Eyeshadow and Blush Palette in a few of her vlogs and I wanted to try the palettes so badly! Malibu has more greens and blues so it's not really up my alley, but the San Fransisco Palette looks great! So I got them!

BH San Fransisco Eyeshadow and Blush Palette (original price US$17.95, now on sale on store website for US$8.95).

(Source: X)

(Source: X)
I'm obviously on a brushes kick. Got myself another brush set! The brushes with the purple handles are so pretty! Reviews on the website are mostly extremely positive too, so I'm excited! :D

7 Pieces Travel Essential Brush Set (original price US$18.95, now on sale on store website for US$11.95)

(Source: X)

(Source: X)
Shipping takes some time though, and I had to pay S$8 more for shipping + delivery. But then again, if I ordered from BH Cosmetics website, it would have cost me much more and would take around the same timing to reach me. So, yes, patience is a virtue. 

The iPhone app doesn't show you in detail your order's trail. You have to go to the Singsale website and check it under your account! I'm estimating to receive mine maybe by next Monday? *fingers crossed*

So far, shopping on Singsale has been extremely fuss-free! Do try it out you shopaholics! And if you're in Malaysia, no problem, they have Mysale. Australia? Ozsale! New Zealand? NZsale! I think there are more countries, googling time!

Yay can't wait to get my stuff! :D

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