Saturday, December 27, 2014

BLOGMAS Days 19-25: Super fail but MERRY CHRISTMAS!

I have been listening to Sam Smith's In The Lonely Hour album for the past 3-4 days. No joke. I just kept repeating all 16 tracks. Why his voice like this? WHY! Giving me goosebumps all. Then I felt like crying, then the song ended, then I felt empty, then I repeated the song to get goosebumps and cry. Bah this Sam Smith... I hope he wins the Grammy Award for Album of the Year because come on man, this album is just solid. 

Most people think I'm this act-teenager adult who listens to nothing to K-Pop *rolls eyes*. Well at least they made it clear to me how narrow-minded and judgmental they are. Good for you! Doesn't mean that I don't listen to your indie, hipster songs as much (key words are "as much") means I'm less qualified as a person. *rolls eyes one more time* I applaud your straightforwardness but nope, not gonna hand you a plate of respect. I'm not saying I hate people who listen to such songs because that will make me one of them. I just absolutely despise people who judge others by their music tastes. Like that you sama sama with those super crazy religious people who says "my religion is better than yours" what. Yah, not as extreme, but you guys take the same bus of hypocrisy okay. If you don't like right, just keep quiet really. The world will be a better place when better words are said out loud. Freedom of speech? More like freedom of blabber. 

OKAY RANT OVER. See I so nice, dedicate one entire paragraph to people who hate my K-pop fangirl (fanwoman/fanlady/fanauntie) heart. Christmas - season of giving! I rarely rant in my blog about others ah, so just give me my one paragraph lah. 

Lai, we go back to nicer things~~

Blogmas started out strong for me, and then I got lazy and then I just ignored it completely for an entire week. Very sloth-like of me. Which is of course to be expected because I'm a human sloth. It's okay though, sloths are cute and zen. I will definitely like to be hanging off a tree branch and be cute and zen...and not care about super dark eye circles. 

So yes, this is a condensed Blogmas post - condense all 7 days into one post HAHA. 

We had a pre Christmas party at Eve's this year and we made popiahs! No extravagant meat dishes, just super nice popiahs. I made the mistake of putting way too much garlic and not rolling my popiah super tight, so I had to a messy "burrito" and ended with bad breath. I needed 3 Fisherman's Friends to get a somewhat decent-smelling breath back. 

Pre-ordered some PV cupcakes for the gang and they were delicious. One of the best cupcakes in Singapore!

I always look forward to gatherings at Eve's because I don't need to pretend to be anything I am not. Super chill, super nua, super awesome with amazing company. 

You know how towards the end of the year some people just give up on diets and just feast? Yeah, basically I'm now one of those people. I just eat, and eat, AND EAT. This muffintop ain't shredding, but whatever man, I will start on Ripped in 30 again when January comes. 

So the day after the gathering at Eve's, Kengyang and I went to PasarBella and just...ate. :D Here are some #foodporn shots. Disclaimer: we had a lot, A LOT, of meat. 

Shoutout to my damn cheapo Balenciaga-inspired (yah lah fake one) crossbody bag. I met my auntie today for breakfast and the first thing she said was "fei, your bag from Balenciaga?". I would really like the real thing, but I can't bring myself to spend that much money on a tiny little thing. I'd rather spend the money on food. I'm too much of a glutton to be buying branded bags. 

Also visited Kengyang's parents' new condo at Rosewood. This place looks nothing like Singapore. So empty and peaceful! I love the crowded, noisy Singapore, but this was a pleasant change too. 

So yes, my Christmas has been kind of a roller coaster ride (disastrous at home and joyous outside, but let's not go there). There goes 2014! A lot has happened in a year, and I'm looking forward to the new year. Work harder, earn more, save more, move out faster, eat more, exercise more, sleep more, date more. 

Merry Christmas my lovely readers! :) I'm not a consistent blogger when it comes to blogposts, but I'm glad I still have loyal readers who appreciate my writing. I used to be afraid of writing my posts this way - people judge me for being too ahlian and anyhow how? - but you know, I think writing this way makes me more comfortable and it's as if I'm speaking to y'all instead of just writing stuff. I enjoy blogging more this way! Thank you very much for reading my super not-atas and not chim posts! 

Hope you guys had an amazing Christmas!! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad you still think it fun and nua to come to my place even though I constantly breathe down everyone's necks about dropping food bits. I'm trying very hard not to liao, hahaha!