Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013! :) New Year resolutions?

Everyone's saying the same thing - 2012 passed so fast, they didn't even know what happened to time! It's quite bewildering because I can vividly still remember the moment when we counted down to 2012 at The Beer Market. Fast forward one year later, we were once again at The Beer Market, but this time welcoming 2013 with no fear.

2012 has been a significant year. For me, it was a year full of new discoveries.

I interned at MTV Asia and worked with an amazing bunch of people. Of course, there are always people there who are not worthy of even my thoughts (hint: the blocking bonanza. I think he is just purist and will like to keep desirable, at least according to his biased standards, people on his list of privileged people), but 95% of my experience at MTV has been a positive one. I met so many new people that definitely changed my life - Lirong, Lizhen, June, Lisa, Aaron, Rachel, Aloyscious, Jaslyn, Leonard, William, Helen, Ivan, Edith, Herbert, Anthony, Syazwan, etc, etc etcccccc. Without them, my internship experience will be close to excruciating.

While interning at MTV Asia, I also discovered that I was good with what I do. I always can do a variety of things, but it's rare to find something that I'm good at. Much like how every time I introduce Yinghui a new iPhone game app, she always manages to slay my high-score at an alarmingly fast time. ALWAYS. I'm still bitter about Office Dance. HAHA. But anyway, coming back to this discovery of skill, because I realised I was good at it, I grew to enjoy what I did - which was rare in the industry. This is part of the reason why I want to go back to MTV Asia as a researcher. However, as kengyang has very consistently drilled in my head, I had to keep my options open.

2012 was also the year in which I discovered I finally had the willpower to lose the flab. In the first half of the year, I lost 7kg. Not very significant to some people, but to me it's a definite improvement since the numbers have only been on the rise for years. I have gained back some of the weight, for sure, but not all of it. Holidays, are holidays, no? Since the festive (or the eating) season is over, it's time to get back on track with the weight-loss regime. I'm determined to lose another 5kg on top of the previous 7kg.

The second half of 2012 was largely focused on Final Year Project. What started off as an adrenaline rush fell flat as fast as it started. Very unfortunately, our first FYP professor, Dr Wayne Fu, passed away suddenly just a few days after school started. It was a shock and my FYP members were still trying to get as much information from as many people as possible that night because we refused to believe that it really happened. From then on, everything went extra fast, from meeting Marko, to meeting Bo, to rethinking our FYP and then finally to what we have today. To be frank, I am infinitely grateful to my FYP members. Imagine having something exciting in the works, and then to have it ripped away from you, and then you have to start anew with new ideas that you have to come out with. If I were to do my FYP alone, I don't think I would be able to regroup my thoughts so quickly. Hence, Jeremy, Kokky and Konkon, thank you for being such awesome FYP mates. Also, Eve, stop telling Jeremy to drop us? I am scared. HAHA.

2012 was also a year I discovered that I can do something useful with my blog - this blog. My readership started to increase quite significantly and the blog started to generate some income for me. It's not a lot, but it's definitely welcome. I was lazy on some weeks, and didn't update as much as I wanted to, so I vow to be more regular in posting my reviews in 2013! Thank you to all my readers who made everything possible with this blog. :)

Last, but definitely not least, 2012 was a year when I discovered the true meaning behind love. Nope, not about boy-girl love (but still, thank you Kengyang for an amazing 2012! Without you, I'd have crumbled during my dark times.), but more of family love. Of course, it's still not applied to my own family, that has got to be a challenge. I met Kengyang's family for the first time at the end of the year, and to be honest, I was really afraid at the beginning. Jitters aside, his family is really a 180-degree difference from mine; two extreme ends of a spectrum. I have never experienced a family that is so candid with one another, and so ... for the lack of better words, tight with one another. That was the reason why I couldn't open myself up, it's a complete shock to me because I was brought up in hostility and mostly silence or arguments. Happy moments are never to be expected in my family, and almost never happened. On the other hand, his family jokes about everything, and laughs at everything. I'm quite sad that I couldn't really talk much with them because although I know every gesture of theirs was genuine, I couldn't receive with a fully open heart. In 2013, I need to change this because seriously, I think I deserve some family love after 23 years of not having almost none.

Of course, not all about my family is a nightmare. I know my mom cares, but she just has too much to handle on her own. I learnt that since young, so I don't blame her at all. My sister has grown up to be a really fine lady (though I hope the tantrums stop, PLEASE) and it's nice having another female in the house with whom I can talk to.

Now, talking about new year resolutions. I want to not bother about them because I always forget about them after the first month of the new year. However, I figure I can make some quantified goals? Whether or not I will achieve these goals is another story so here goes nothing...

In 2013,

  • I'd like to lose another 5kg. This will bring my total weight loss to 12kg. 
  • I need to go to Japan and Taiwan.
  • I need to stop hating myself so much. 
  • Care less, hurt less (said by the wise boyfriend last night)
  • More love for this blog!!
And that's all. They're all very simple, but extremely difficult to achieve. Wish me luck guys. 

Happy New Year to all my readers! I hope 2013 has already treated you well and will treat you well throughout! :) 

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