Monday, October 31, 2011

The Reasons why INSTEP was beyond AWESOME. (Part 1)

You know things are getting heated up in the academic section when all you can think of is to go back to INSTEP period, when all you had to worry were travelling-related commitments and the occasional readings.

I still cannot forget how INSTEP changed my life! I really do miss my lepak days in Stockholm and I really miss the snow!

I can't believe 6 months of having fun and travelling were over just like that. Whoever said that "time passes more quickly when you are having fun" cannot be any more apt. There were ups and downs during my Europe travels, but I am so grateful that it actually happened. The next time I'm going back will probably be my honeymoon (gigglegiggle #nervouslaughter), but till then, I will always remember INSTEP as the best choice I have ever made in university life.

Part 2 will be posted soon! I have so many photos that are too memorable to not post! :)

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