Tuesday, August 9, 2011

School once again

I survived my first day of school, well barely survived.

My timetable is somewhat complete. Despite the euphoria over another semester of 4-day school weeks, my upcoming workload never fails to sent a shudder down my feeble spine.

Majoring in Communication Research and Policy is not easy; that I already know since the day I decided on my major. However, I think I belittled the term "not easy".

This means I'm going to spend a whole lot of time in school, doing research papers and term projects. Also, this means I'm going to become extremely sensitive and will bite anyone who pisses me off. Such are expected, and dear friends please be kind to me.

To sum it all up, dear fifi's friends, please tolerate my future meltdowns. This major is highly challenging and if I pull through (or in Super Idol Senior Trinetta Chong's words - we fucking did it!) I will love you all to death and give you all many kisses.


Huiling, Yinghui, Xien and Jeremy - WE CAN DO THIS DEAR RESEARCH FRIENDS. :D

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