Tuesday, April 5, 2011


It's 8pm and the sun has barely set. The sky's a mellow blue tone, the trees still are bald. Days in Stockholm gets more and more melancholic.

The transition from winter to spring really gets into my head, literally.

I get migraines so often these few days that it brings me back to the horrors of 'A' Levels. Maybe it's because I sleep too much. Or maybe it's because I stare at the laptop screen too much.

But my migraine is not making me happy.

I want to sleep it off, but the pain crawls up ever so readily. I want to laugh it off, but the bright laptop screen makes me squint. I want to jump around and sweat it off, but the rhythm stays in my head and that makes the migraine worse.

Life sucks seriously.

I cannot wait for spring to REALLY come and then I shall go out every single day and breathe in fresh air, or perhaps drink some cafe somewhere while taking photos of fabulous Swedish people.

And now onto the next remedy... coffee.

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