Sunday, November 21, 2010

They just get shorter and shorter

Hauling's not rampant during these stressful days. I think I'm going to update my blog more for social purposes than for hauling.

But I did get some new stuff this past week.

First, I went to Mustafa Centre with Yinghui after our Dimsum feast and was rather delighted to buy this set of pens for just 8 .60. EXAM PENS!

I also bought some mascaras from CCUK that were recommended by so many beauty bloggers on onsugar. Rather displeased with them though. =.= Luckily they were mad cheap, like 3-5 bucks, so I'm fine with it.

Got myself for edm brushes because THEY ARE SO SOFT! I'm planning to use them when I'm in Sweden! :) Excited already. (Talking about Sweden, I hope they accept my residence permit application, if not I will be a really really sad girl).

Got myself a new pair of wedges too. It was 10 bucks on Ebay! :) Mondo heels and wedges are a hit-or-miss affair. Some are freaking horrendous but there are still some gems lying out there!

A rather short post; quite obliged too because the blog is getting dead and I have to post some photos up.

Off to Chan's house now!

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