Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day


That time of the year is here again. Everyone celebrates their superman daddies and I just stay home, getting depressed over the fact that my own father is a blank thought in my head.

But I have decided to not be sad and act all tragic this year.

Not having a father figure for all my life has not affected me in any way.
Instead, I grew up more independent than ever.

I solve my own problems and I don't let anything get into me.


Today is Father's Day. Thanks to my father for letting me grow up maturely. =D

BTW, for those who don't already know my life story, here is a brief summary:

mom and dad got married too early (well at 24, not that early lar), then dad started to be really scrimpy, mom can't even eat anything at home because dad will be pissed if she does, so mom became really thin, and she decided to run away with me in her arms. and she ran to my grandma's good friend's house and after that i was brought to my grandma's and was brought up there. word has it that my dad has remarried and well i hope he's not ill-treating his new wife.

but ohwell, i heard all this from my grandaunt, so i don't really know the truth in it.

Someday I will just invite my dad for my wedding, and that's all.

OH! another thing to thank dear father - he's pure javanese, meaning im mixed blood according to indonesian terms.

exotic look, in indonesian terms as well. HAHA

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