Sunday, February 28, 2010

finally time for some tiger.

After months and months of beauty and fashion blogging, it's time for me to venture to more serious matters. Male infidelity is no stranger to any sensible women. Almost always, the one who strays is the male being - a species thought to be superior over the female in terms of responsibility, will-power and whatever else is left. Hence, isn't it a little bit comical that the male is the one having the difficulty not leaving his pants down?

If you were still dating, I guess you want to experiment. Therefore, you look for greener pastures. This excuse is reasonable to a certain extent; that is if I am your male talking buddy.

The situation then changes when the male involved is married.
The situation then changes again when the male involved is married and famous.

And once again the situation changes when the male involved is married and famous and has a hot wife.

But what's the situation like when you are Tiger Woods?

The squeaky clean golf and media darling dropped a bomb on 11th December 2009: admitting an indefinite leave from golf. Why so? So that he can focus more on his family after his multiple infidelities.

The question in my mind is not whether or not he will lose all his sponsors. Or not about whether or not his opponents are all sniggering at his mishap. I'm more concerned on whether or not he should apologise and if Elin should accept his apology.

When you do something wrong, you apologise and show remorse.
Hence, Woods should apologise and show remorse. His scenario is more complex though. Other male beings have their families and friends to answer to, but Woods has the media, his golf fans and the entire world to answer to as well. His apology is a huge one.

Leaving the professional world to focus on his family life, or saving his family life, is a wise choice.

Even if that means getting dropped from lucrative sponsors like Gatorade and Tag Heuer.

Let's list out what Woods has tried to do to salvage the situation:
  • au revoir golf!
  • admitting that it was his big-headedness that landed him in hot soup: he thought since he was that famous, he was allowed to do whatever he wanted to. Self-reflection is always helpful.
  • be on a magazine cover to reach out to more people, hence showing remorse to more people.
  • go for therapy.
  • do charity work (Woods donated $3 million to Haiti)
A commendable effort, I must admit.

Elin, on the other hand, is commendable as well. She still refuses to take him back. You go girl! In this decision, she gives up fame and wealth. This is an excellent example of how not all women are ONLY driven by money.

My opinion on this is, don't opt for a divorce but don't opt for a reconciliation either. This is for the kids (nope, I'm not all about money either). Moreover, this way, she can torture him more. Nice move.

Having affairs with 14 women, or more, is not as simple as having an affair with one. Furthermore, none of these 14 look classier or prettier than Elin. An apology is thus not so simply accepted.

Let's just hope no more women steps out and declares another affair.

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