Monday, November 9, 2009

Yes i am tired.

I listed down the things that I have to complete before the exams really start, and I am rather disheartened to say that I have shortage of time and energy.

Readings for 203 have to be re-read.
Readings for History have to be read.
French has to be practiced.
Tens of sets of past examination papers have to be done.
Research for 203 has to be completed and sculpted into shape.

How I wish I have 2 sets of brains: one for core modules and one for electives. All the knowledge I have are diffusing with one another and I have the tendency to get confused.

Another 17 days and my nightmare will be over.

Who says university was easier?
More fun yes.
More crazy yes.
More kinky yes.
More easy hell no.

To juniors reading my blog: I advise you to revise your thoughts on how much you are looking forward to university life. It will stress you out because of the copious amount of work you have to attempt and in the process, you may get rounder and wider, because all the stress is making you lazy and your body refuse to get up and work that butt! (hint: me.)

Ah fuck.
Media law is killing my brain cells. So many codes. The only thing I can remember is the prohibition of the use of cameras or other recording devices on court cases involving victims of rape, sexual abuse, etc. Funny what kind of things my brain chooses to remember eh?

On a positive note:
1. History individual project (2000 words!!) is done and handed in.
2. 205 is over and done with.
3. Ditto French.
4. I have a job for December! WOOHOO!

Going to bathe and then nourish my brain cells with more media law.

Perhaps I should complete celebrity 203 readings today. Well, perhaps....

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