Saturday, August 22, 2009

wee. wee. wee. emo. wee. wee. wee.

Yes, WKWSCI D&D 2009 is finally over. 
Yes, we took a lot of photos.
Yes, there were people who missed the boat.
Yes, I forgot to bring my camera wires again. Chicken basket.

All I can remember of D&D is round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round and round.... (a bit of internal joke.)

D&D will be further elaborated when I get the photos up. For now, let's dwell on the more serious matter.

Once again, I have ashamed myself by behaving in a manner that I cannot even picture myself in. I tried to move in, but was very forcefully shooed out. Now, I am in a struggle. A struggle to find who I was and to move on. This is so bloody embarrassing. Happened before and happened again. Why can't I learn from stumbles? I am like enjoying the trips and falls. 
I think I need to stop the fall. Fall too deep and I am a goner. Move on move on move on. I kept reminding myself and I kept going back. 

Am I already confusing you? My purpose is to be as vague as possible because I don't really know who reads my blog. Wa I need to get it out of me. WALAO EH! 

Need to sleep. Morning Rimmel workshop tomorrow at Orchard Hotel, then off to birthday celebration after that. Walao, need to wake up early to do some laundry. =.=

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