Sunday, July 12, 2009

mindboggling issues

I am like throwing posts on your faces every single hour of the day. I just like to write, so don't blame it on me, blame it on the alcohol (quote jamie foxx).

I think I need a hair trim.
You know when you intend to have short hair and then you get real lazy about trimming it once a month, it will grow into a lion's mane, more so for me who used to have an afro-like kinda hair. It's rather infuriating cause when it's wet, it looks fab, but when it's dry, it looks crap. =.= The ends just curl outwards, WTF! I need my hair to curl inwards lar! chicken mcnugget.
And so, I am going for a hair trim today. Shall call lenny to see if he's free. or lohla or shang or mao or lily. GAH.

For Nigel and Lohla who reads my blog, get to know Hendric, he's your ODAC senior ok!
By the way, I have to ask a very important question: was December in ODAC too? I heard he was from AJC. wtf.

Some humour for you guys.

bimbos are fun!

more bimbos. i love bimbos cause they are dumb.

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